Intraocular lens or EVO ICL lens implantation

The EVO ICL (ICL - Intraocular Collamer Lens) is an eye-implantable Collamer lens that provides clear vision at all times.

  • Unlike a contact lens, which is located on the eye's front surface, EVO ICL is implanted in the eye between the iris (the coloured part of the eye) and the eye's natural lens, where it remains permanent.
  • The EVO ICL lens is made of Collamer, biocompatible material for the eye due to collagen and does not feel like a foreign body. EVO Visisan ICL can provide excellent visual quality.

In Europe, ICL lenses have been implanted since 1997 and are CE certified. The results of clinical trials show 99% patient satisfaction with postoperative results.

Vision correction with EVO ICL IS suitable for:

  • Patients aged 21 to 60 years;
  • Patients with myopic or nearsighted refraction from -0.50 D to -18.00 D with or without astigmatism (up to 6.00 D);
  • Patients with hypermetropic or far-sighted refraction from +0.50 D to +10.00 D with or without astigmatism (up to 6.00 D).

Vision correction with EVO ICL is NOT suitable:

  • If the depth of the anterior chamber of the patient's eye is less than 2.8 mm;
  • If your vision is unstable;
  • If the patient has a systemic disease;
  • If the patient has an eye disease (glaucoma, cataracts, amblyopia, etc.);
  • If the patient is pregnant or breast-feeding.

Advantages of EVO ICL:

  • Reversible procedure - one of the biggest concerns of people about laser vision correction is the irreversible changes in the eye's shape after removing corneal tissue. The advantage of EVO ICL is long-term vision correction without removing the natural tissues of the eye. However, if conditions arise when it is necessary to remove the EVO ICL from the eye or replace it with another lens, it is possible to do so;
  • Gentle vision correction method;
  • High visual acuity and clear vision soon after the procedure;
  • It doesn't cause "dry eye syndrome";
  • Suitable for thin cornea;
  • EVO ICL is a biocompatible lens with built-in UV protection;
  • The lens implantation procedure takes only 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, patients can go home and return to their regular daily routine after a few days;
  • Moderate to high myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism can be corrected.
  • EVO ICL does not interfere with or restrict pregnancy and childbirth. This vision correction surgery only shouldn't be performed during pregnancy and while the mother is breast-feeding.

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