To find out about the most suitable vision correction option, register for a visit, or find out other important information, leave your contacts, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Generally, parents should plan the first visit to an ophthalmologist for children at the age of 1 year. Still, if the parents or paediatrician have any concerns about the child's vision or eye condition, any abnormalities such as persistent strabismus, purulent discharge from the eye, etc., are observed, they should visit immediately.
An ophthalmologist usually schedules the next visit. If all examinations are within the normal range, then an ophthalmologist is visited around the age of 3, then at the age of 5 or 6, and school age.
Opportunity for vision correction at this age - glasses.
If during the child's visit to the ophthalmologist in the first year of life, the specialist has not found deviations from the norm of eye and vision development and has not determined a different visit plan. In that case, the next vision examination should be planned toward the age of 3.
If the baby has been prescribed optical correction - glasses, then the ophthalmologist should be visited sooner, as determined by a specialist during the last examination.
An annual examination of the child's eyes by a specialist ensures timely detection of the child's vision problems.
Children often do not complain about vision problems because they have nothing to compare. Young children may also not notice that one eye sees poorly, as the other eye can compensate for its poor eyesight.
There are several signs that parents may notice in time to detect that a child has vision problems:
Any complaints or suspicions about vision problems indicate an eye doctor's visit.
Children can see from birth, but the visual system fully develops by the age of 7-8.
Opportunity for vision correction at this age - glasses.
It is believed that by the age of 8, the child has developed a visual system.
Eye and visual examinations in adolescents should be performed as necessary and in cases where the child complains of eye discomfort, blurred vision or other acute issues.
If there are no special complaints, and the child does not need to use vision correction aids. If no eye diseases have been observed in the parents and immediate family members, a specialist's visit is recommended once a year or every two years.
IMPORTANT! Given the intense visual load on different types of screens, it is essential to keep an eye on eye rest, overall healthy eating, adequate physical activity and rest.
Possibilities of vision correction at this age - glasses, contact lenses or night lenses.
It is essential for teenagers and young people to pay attention to the time spent on different types of screens. Extreme vision can cause dry eye syndrome, which can later be lifelong. Adequate rest of the eyes, overall healthy eating and physical activity, rest and fresh air play a significant role.
As laser vision correction can be performed from the age of 18, the schedule of post-procedure visits prescribed by a doctor must be strictly followed after the correction procedure.
Possibilities of vision correction at the age of 12 - 18:
glasses; contact lenses; night lenses.
Possibilities of vision correction from 18 years of age: